Relieve Stress With This Calming Bath and Cleansing Tea

Lake Louise
3 min readFeb 5, 2022


essential oils with dried lavender

Everyone experiences stress.

If you are like most people you want to look and feel the very best you can.

With so much emphasis these days on taking care of the environment, it’s quite easy to neglect taking care of the “personal environment” which is our bodies.

When we cultivate simple yet affirmative habits such as taking regular cleansing baths, exercising and massage, we protect ourselves from a build of toxins in the body, and our ability to handle stressful situations is much stronger.

Achieving Balance

Our physical and emotional selves require health and balance in order to achieve wholeness and wellness.

Take a deep and self-indulgent bath every once in awhile. Breathe, relax and enjoy yourself. Remember to always be gentle with yourself and do the best you can.

Try This Mind & Body Calming Bath to Relieve Stress

Draw a hot bath and then add each of the following essential oils:

7 drops of lavender essential oil
10 drops of chamomile essential oil
5 drops of marjoram essential oil

Lavender and Chamomile oils soothe tension, lift moods and prepare you for sleep.

Marjoram oil has an antispasmodic effect on tight, stressed-out muscles and deepens the relaxation provided by the other oils.

Cleansing Ritual

Stress and challenging situations are part of everyday life, however, a healthy individual copes constructively with these challenges.

When we keep the energy in and around our bodies flowing harmoniously, we are naturally healthy, vibrant, and peaceful.

A simple, effective way to cleanse our bodies on a daily basis is to sip the tea recipe below throughout the day or just in the evening as you wind down.

This pleasant tasting blend helps eliminate congestion and toxicity in the digestive and lymph systems. When these systems are sluggish, our bodies cannot operate at peak performance.

pouring hot tea

Try this “Body Balancing” tea.

¼ cup of peppermint leaves
½ cup of flax seeds
½ cup of fennel seeds
¼ cup fenugreek seeds
¼ cup of licorice root

Combine all ingredients and store the mixture in an airtight container.

To make a supply of the tea for the day:

Add 4 teaspoons of this blend to 4 cups of cold purified water.
Bring to a boil, and simmer, covered, for 7 to 10 minutes.
Strain the herbs and save the strained tea to drink at the specified times.

You can refrigerate any leftover tea, and reheat it if you wish.

Stress reduction is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. Keep your thoughts positive. Have a sense of humor and keep it light.

Remember this wisdom from this Chinese proverb:
“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are”.

If you think of any topics on healthy aging or wellness that you would like me to write about, leave a comment below.



Lake Louise

Helping women achieve & maintain healthy skin at any age | Wellness Entrepreneur | Healthy-Aging Strategist | Founder, Lotus Moon Skin Care & Plain Jane Beauty